Camera and Tech Deals for Content Creators
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Content creator tech lets your creative juices flow
What tech would be most useful for content creators?
Whether you're an aspiring photographer, videographer, influencer, or simply someone who loves to create content as a hobby, there's plenty of tech that can help.
From video cameras to action cameras, compact mirrorless cameras, computers, and even smartphones, there are plenty of devices you can use to get started. Once you have the right equipment, including supplementary but often essential gear like a tripod or monopod, filters, software, headphones, microphone, and more, you can truly let your creative juices run wild while producing quality content.
Content creation is something that can start simple as you work your way up. You might begin by posting short videos to your social media, for example, then slowly hone your skill to create fully edited videos. clips, and images with things like transitions, filters, proper lighting, better audio, and more.
What product features would most benefit content creators?
Naturally, the first thing you'll need is a recording device if the content you want to create involves videos or photos. This is where a camcorder, camera, smartphone, action camera, or other similar item will come in. For videos and photos, look for a camera or camcorder with a timer function or the ability to control the shutter remotely from a remote Bluetooth trigger or even your phone. For the best quality, of course, you’ll want one that can capture video in HD, 4K if you want to go ultra-crisp for big-screen viewing. Check the ISO range of a camera to ensure that it’s high enough such that you can capture crisp and clear video or images in low light conditions without additional noise, especially if you plan to record a lot at night or in dark venues. If you’re new to photography, make sure the camera has an automatic mode so you can capture images with the camera automatically selecting the right settings based on the subject before you get into manually adjusting settings, focus, and shutter speeds on your own.
There are also vlogging and blogging kits that include everything you would need to get started in one handy package. Check for one that has an app compatible with your phone, whether it’s Android or iOS.
For creating things like PC games, you'll need a powerful computer (at least 16GB RAM) with the right processor, great graphics (an ideal one will be certified for colour calibration from international standards like PANTONE), and a high-res HD screen. Use this along with the appropriate software program or app. Make sure the computer you have meets the requirements for the software before purchasing or downloading via digital code.
There are plenty of step-by-step videos you can access online for free from experts in various fields. Meanwhile, programs like iMovie, GarageBand, Adobe Photoshop, VideoStudio, and others provide detailed instructions and tutorials to help you learn and get better at a variety of content creation crafts.
How to get started in content creation
Before getting started, settle on the type of content you want to create. If you're looking to become an influencer and share content predominantly via social media, start with a smartphone and room with good lighting. As you gain a better understanding of the process, add more equipment to the mix, like a webcam, editing software, studio lighting, microphone, and more.
For adventurous outdoor content, an action camera with proper mounts is best but you could also go with a rugged point-and-shoot, DSLR, or compact mirrorless camera, or even smartphone with a monopod or tripod to capture the action. Photography is an art, and the craft will see you adding gear over time as your needs and knowledge expand, like lenses, filters, tripods, and more.
For content creation via a computer, get the appropriate software and take the time to run through a tutorial so you are armed with the knowledge to do your best.