Virgin Plus Apple iPhone SE 128GB - Starlight - Monthly Financing

Virgin Plus Apple iPhone SE 128GB (3rd Generation) - Starlight - Monthly Financing

Brand: Apple
Model Number: MMX93VC/A
Web Code: 16003144
Sold and shipped by Best Buy

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Prices, taxes, and other charges: The monthly price above is a 24-month financing plan for the device. Price may vary by province. Applicable taxes will apply. Monthly data plans will be charged on top of device price. Add-on or pay-per-use data, initial service connection, cancellations, roaming, and other services may incur charges on top of the specified price. Credit check may be required. Fees may change over time. Please review full terms and conditions when you activate your plan in-store.


Enjoy big-time performance that lasts long with the Apple iPhone SE (3rd Generation). Built with the powerful A15 Bionic chip and a battery that delivers up to 15 hours of video playback, this iPhone brings speed to everything you do. It features a 4.7-inch display, a Home button with secure Touch ID, and a 12MP wide superstar camera that makes smart adjustments so you get picture perfect shots.

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