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Indoor TV Antennas

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Enjoy watching all the free over-the-air TV channels in your area with an indoor TV antenna.

What is an indoor TV antenna?

An indoor TV antenna connects to your TV to pick up free, digital over-the-air television broadcasts. This allows you to watch TV programming without having to pay for a cable or streaming subscription. Depending on your market, some of those channels may be in 1080p HD, or even 4K resolution. Many people prefer over-the-air broadcasts because they aren’t compressed to the same extent that other content is, delivering a better picture.

How do indoor TV antennas work?

TV antennas work by capturing the radio signals used to broadcast programming, then feed these signals to a connected television’s tuner for conversion. These broadcasts are on UF (ultra high frequency) and VHF (very high frequency) bands. Traditionally, adjustable “bunny ears” antennas—which for decades were standard equipment on tube TVs—pick up UHF stations, while a wire loop is best for VHF stations.

Amplified vs. passive

Passive indoor antennas capture relatively strong, local TV signals. Reception is based on signal strength and line of sight to the broadcast tower. For many households, the best indoor TV option is an amplified model. This has the advantage of using a built-in amplifier to boost weak broadcast signals and filter out noise. An amplified antenna can often pull in more channels than a passive model.

Indoor TV antennas vs outdoor TV antennas

Indoor antennas are designed to be installed in a home. They’re compact and have relatively limited range making them best suited for use in an urban environment, in proximity to broadcast towers. They can be easily moved and adjusted as needed.

Outdoor TV antennas are designed to pull in over-the-air television signals from as far away as possible. They tend to be much larger to maximize reception area, omnidirectional so they can pick up a signal from any direction, and they’re usually permanently mounted on a pole on or near a roof to elevate them above potential obstacles. Outdoor TV antennas are weatherproof, and most are passive. There are powered versions, but installation then has to account for access to power.

Their superior location and larger size lets outdoor TV antennas pick up over-the-air signals from as far as 100 km to 120 km away.

Some antennas can be used either indoors or outdoors, depending on the user’s situation.

What is the range of indoor TV antennas

Indoor TV antennas have varying ranges, but even a basic model can usually bring in a strong signal from 40km away. The maximum for indoor antennas is about 75km, but that assumes a strong broadcast signal that’s free of obstacles like tall buildings, trees, and mountains. Cellular towers and power lines can also cause signal interference, while inclement weather can temporarily cut the range.

Indoor conditions will also affect the range, especially walls and roofing material. Many users will find that they get the best possible performance using an indoor antenna by mounting the antenna near a window. Generally speaking, powered antennas tend to have a longer range than passive models.