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Outdoor Play

Have a great time in your own backyard.

Get some yard-friendly toys for spring and enjoy some fresh air, exercise, and fun with your kids.

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Outdoor Play is Healthy and Fun!

Benefits of Outdoor Play

Outdoor play is one of the great joys of growing up. Not only is it the best way for kids to get plenty of fresh air and exercise, but it’s also great fun! It is absolutely full of amazing possibilities, including allowing your kids to meet other young people in their neighbourhood—giving them the opportunity to socialize and make new friends. If you’d like for your kids to spend less time inside playing video games and more time outside making friends and getting fresh air and exercise, then consider some of the great outdoor play items available at Best Buy and let the fun unfold!

Great Toys for Outdoor Fun

There are more great outdoor toys and play equipment available today than perhaps ever before, allowing for many amazing opportunities for kids to have fun and enjoy the great outdoors. There are trampolines and bouncy houses (for kids with lots of energy), swing sets and slides (for kids with traditional tastes), and even sandboxes and play tents for kids to use and enjoy. There are also more high-tech toys like Powered Ride-Ons (small cars, trucks, ATVs, and motorcycles for kids ages 2-8 that really drive around). These cool cars and trucks are not only safe and fun, but they also build kids’ confidence by allowing them to feel like truly responsible grownups.

For seasonal/summertime fun, there are lots of amazing water toys—everything from beach and pool floatables to water blasters that kids can use to cool off in an all-out water fight. For a drier form of fun, kids can use Nerf blasters to enhance a game of tag by extending the range of their tagging reach to the distance their blasters can fire. Other fun outdoor items include wagons, tents, sporting equipment, and numerous specialized items like playhouses and ball pits. There are baby outdoor toys, outdoor toys for toddlers, outdoor toys for older kids, and even outdoor toys for those that are merely young at heart.

Choose Your Child’s Favourites

Anyone can get outside and start having fun and enjoying the fresh air and nice weather, but not everyone has the same tastes when it comes to outdoor play. If you’re shopping for toys for your kids, consider what types of activities they enjoy and make your choice accordingly. If competitive sports are their thing, a basketball (or soccer ball) and corresponding net might be your ideal selection. If they prefer water-based activities, floatables and other pool toys are likely to hit the mark. And for kids that enjoy standard playground equipment (as can be found in a typical schoolyard), many great options are available. Remember, there are numerous great outdoor play options available for kids of all ages and interests. All you have to do is find them!