Zelda Video Games
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The Legend of Zelda, one of Nintendo’s most renowned and successful game franchises
The first The Legend of Zelda game was released in North America back in 1987 on the Nintendo Entertainment System and there has been a total of 19 games in the main series. Additionally, more than 25 spin-offs, remakes, and collections have also been released!
What are The Legend of Zelda games about?
The Legend of Zelda series is centred around the adventures of various incarnations of Link, a courageous Hylian, and Princess Zelda, the mortal reincarnation of the goddess Hylia. The various incarnations of Link each possess the spirit of the hero, and have been chosen by the Golden Goddesses to protect Princess Zelda and the land from evil.
The majority of The Legend of Zelda games take place within the world of Hyrule. The primary antagonist of the series is Ganon, an evil demon king. The Triforce, a sacred relic which can grant any wish its user desires, left behind by the three goddesses that created Hyrule, is Ganon’s primary target in his conquest to remake the world in his own dark image.
Are all The Legend of Zelda games connected?
Each game in The Legend of Zelda series is connected and tells an important part of the history of Hyrule. Although all games are connected, they haven’t been released in chronological order and this can be a bit confusing for those that want to play in chronological order.
The storyline is split into three paths. The very beginning starts with The Legend of the Goddesses and the Hero and includes the following games: Skyward Sword, The Minish Cap, Four Swords and Ocarina of Time. From here the timeline splits into The Hero is Defeated and The Hero is Triumphant.
In the Hero is Defeated timeline Hyrule and the Last Hero are in a decline and the story continues in the following games: A Link to the Past, Link’s Awakening, Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons, A Link Between Worlds, Tri-Force Heroes, The Legend of Zelda and The Adventure of Link.
On the other hand, The Hero is Triumphant timeline is split into the Child Era and Adult Era. The Child Era follows The Twilight Realm and the legacy of the Hero. This timeline includes the following games: Majora’s Masks, Twilight Princess and Four Swords Adventures. The Adult Era follows the Hero of the Windows and a New World. Games in this timeline include: The Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks.
Finally, Breath of the Wild takes place at the end of all previous games in the series, though it hasn’t been officially announced which connection of any of the timelines it has.
Which The Legend of Zelda game is the best?
Several of The Legend of Zelda games are considered to be amongst the best video games of all time. Determining which game in the series is the best is a matter of personal choice. However, critics have rated Ocarina of Time, Breath of The Wild, The Wind Waker, Twilight Princess and Majora’s Mask as the top five The Legend of Zelda games of all time.
Find all Zelda Games for hours of fun on your Nintendo Switch.