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Safely store used diapers and lock away odours with a diaper pail

A trash can will keep your garbage safely stored away, but a diaper pail goes the extra mile by eliminating used diaper odour and offering you an easy way to dispose of your disposable or cloth diapers. A diaper pail or diaper disposal bin is a great baby shower gift and should be added as a must-have for any new parent-to-be or as an addition to any nursery.

What are the best diaper pails?

The best diaper pail might look just like a trash can, but it’s designed to store unused diapers. Whether you need a cloth diaper pail to store used cloth diapers or a diaper bin with diaper disposal bags to store used disposable diapers, you’ll find a variety of sizes and styles to suit every baby’s room.

Diaper pails reduce odour in the nursery

The most important feature on a diaper pail are the rubber seals that prevent odour from escaping into your room. All you’ll have to do is line the diaper pail with a diaper pail bag and you’ll be able to store your all of your used diapers. Having a safe, sealed diaper pail means you don’t have to head outside to the trash can every time you do a diaper change.

Child safety locks prevent mess

Diaper pails are easy to empty out and reload, and many diaper pails have a foot pedal so you open them up without having to bend over mid-change. Many diaper disposal pails also have child safety locks so you don’t have to worry about your little one making a mess if they manage to tip over the diaper pail.

Choose the right size diaper pail

If you have a one baby or toddler and you need to dispose of his or her diapers, a small diaper pail will hold a day’s worth of diapers. You can opt for a larger diaper pail if you want extra space, you have two babies or toddlers in diapers, or you need a cloth diaper pail. Cloth diaper pails need to be large because they will hold all of your cloth diapers until you wash them or they are ready for pickup from your cloth diaper service.

Try Diaper pail refills

Diaper pail liner refills are available to line your diaper pail, and they are a great alternative to standard trash bags. Using scented diaper pail refill bags means you will have extra odour protection for your nursery. They are also continuous bags, so you can just rip off the used bag and re-line your diaper pail.

Diaper pails are a must-have for any nursery, and you can find a wide variety of diaper pails on Best Buy.