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Strike it Fun with a New Metal Detector

Whether you’re a serious treasure hunter or just looking for adventure, there’s great fun to be had by investing in your very own metal detector. Many people like to keep one permanently in the trunk of their car, while others still enjoy taking them along on camping trips or beach holidays.

Realistically speaking, you’re not likely to find Blackbeard’s treasure by having your own detector, but there’s a pretty good chance that you will have lots of fun using it, and you might even turn up some really interesting objects that will feel like treasure to you!

How Do Metal Detectors Work?

Very simply put, metal detectors work on the principles of electricity and magnetism, which are essentially two sides of the same coin. In other words, they use an electric current to create a magnetic field that, when swept over conductive metal objects below the ground surface, creates a current inside those objects that ultimately off an audible alarm in the device.

What kind of metal detector should I buy?

The main thing you need to know about metal detectors is that they’re not all created . For instance, some are far more powerful than others (particularly those with larger coils), and some have features such as size/length adjustability (which is great for use by kids).

Also, basic models may only offer the functionality of being able to find metals generally, while more professional detectors have discrimination capabilities that allow them to differentiate between various types of metals (such as selectively hunting for gold).

You will also have to decide whether you want one that’s best suited to detection or something that’s more powerful for deeper detection; and some models are best suited to dry land use, whereas others are specific to underwater use.

Finally, consider the challenge of recovering something that’s mere below the surface versus the considerably more difficult task of digging something up—something that may not even be worth finding, that’s several feet down.

Most beginning hobbyists will likely find that a basic model more than adequately meets their needs.

Where Can I Use My Detector?

People use metal detectors in a variety of different environments—everything from beaches to historic battlegrounds popular detecting sites, but some locations may be restricted or entirely off limits.

For instance, Federal regulations may apply to places you’re thinking of visiting. Different places have different rules, so what’s permissible often varies on a case by case basis. Some research may be necessary to learn these limitations.

Of course, you’re always free to detect on your own property, or on private property where you have the permission of the owner.

Further, while some places may be fair game to detect , they may not be ok for digging holes. You’ll need to learn the rules and regulations for any place you wish to hunt in (and may even need special permits) that’s not your property.