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Sanitizers and Sanitation Products

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Sanitizers and Sanitation Products

It can be tough to know what you need around the home or office when it comes to sanitation products. Different surfaces and objects will have different sanitation requirements, and sanitation is a little different from regular cleaning.

According to the CDC , "cleaning" is when you remove germs, dirt, and other impurities from a surface or object. When you clean something, you're usually using soap and water to physically wash germs off of a surface.

"Disinfection" goes one step further by using chemicals to kill germs. They often take a few minutes to work, and sometimes need to be used with gloves or other personal protective equipment. Make sure to read labels carefully to determine if a product cleans, sanitizes, or disinfects.

The term "sanitizing" is a little different. Sanitation is about lowering the number of germs on a surface or object, and there are often public health guidelines to help you identify what your needs are. Both cleaning (which removes germs) and disinfecting (which kills germs) can play a role in sanitizing an object, and are often used in combination.

Hand Sanitizers

Hand sanitizers are an easy way to combat germs in your daily life. Applied directly to the skin, hand sanitizers help reduce your risk of spreading or becoming infected by viruses and germs. They are not a replacement for proper hand washing, but are an excellent option if soap and water are unavailable.

Different hand sanitizers may use ingredients such as alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, and triclosan to help clean and disinfect your hands. They come in many different textures, bottles, and formulas, so you can find the one that works best for you. Spray formulas typically dry the quickest, while gels help contain spills and may help keep your hands moisturized throughout the day.

UV Light Sanitizers

UV light sanitizers use ultraviolet light to disinfect air, water, and nonporous surfaces. These lights and lamps are used to inactivate viruses on items like phones, headphones, pacifiers, and dishes, but it's important to remember that the UV light sanitizers used in homes often have weaker bulbs than their commercial versions. Make sure to give them time to work, and do your research about what kinds of viruses and germs they are or aren't effective for.

Other Sanitation Products

Many people rely on hand sanitizers and surface disinfectants as their primary methods of sanitation. However, there are other options available for people who want to take extra steps. Handheld tools are quickly gaining popularity as a way to reduce the number of germs on your hands by preventing contact, instead of cleaning and disinfecting after the fact.

These sanitizers and sanitation products are available in a range of sizes and formats, so you can keep them where they'll be needed most.