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Kobo makes discovering a library of books easy and fun to do, no matter where and when you decide to read.

Why take one book to read when an entire library fits in the same space? That’s the experience of a Kobo eReader, where thousands of eBooks can fit in your pocket, letting you start with one title and finish with another on the same device.

Kobo eReaders

When you hold a Kobo eReader in your hands, you are embracing the idea of reading not just one book, but many. These devices have onboard storage capable of holding hundreds, if not thousands of eBooks at the same time. No matter how voracious a reader you consider yourself to be, a Kobo eReader can keep your eyes glued to something interesting.

The E Ink displays are easy on the eyes, no matter how glued you are to a story. With excellent pixel density, text remains sharp and easily legible, catering to your preferences. Increase or decrease text size, change fonts to suit your taste, and always keep track of where you are in whatever you’re currently reading.

Whether it’s the sensitivity of touching a screen to flip through pages, or dedicated buttons to do the job, you can always feel comfortable getting lost in an engrossing tale. Bookmark important pages, highlight memorable passages, and look up definitions to stay on top of what you need.

Read one-handed without tiring out when you have a solid grip. And with water-resistance, like that on the Aura, H2O, Libra and Forma, you can take a great read with you to the tub or pool without worrying about any damage. Battery life lasts for weeks or months, keeping the charger away for longer periods.

Kobo Store

Kobo doesn’t just make eReaders, it offers a digital marketplace for you to browse for the next book on your list. With up to 6 million titles to choose from covering every genre, there is bound to be something to keep you occupied. You can always access the Kobo Store anytime you’re connected to Wi-Fi.

Read samples before you commit, and see the latest recommendations and best-sellers front and centre to help guide you as you shop. Search for any title or author you have in mind, fast-tracking your path to what you’re looking for.

You don’t always need a Kobo eReader with you to find your next eBook, either. Use the free Kobo app on your mobile device, or log on to the website and purchase it there. Download it to your eReader the next time you turn it on and get started.

Kobo services

There’s more to read beyond the Kobo Store, and it starts with how eReaders integrate with some services. Use your local library card to set up an account with OverDrive and borrow books digitally to read in the comfort or home or away.

Surf the web and save articles through Pocket to read later at your convenience straight on your Kobo eReader. Load up your own documents, like PDFs or other compatible files to read whenever you like. With a Kobo eReader, you have more than one way to go through all the content you want.

Reading at your leisure is about more than just time when you have convenience and compatibility in your hands every time you reach for your Kobo eReader.