Crib Mattress Pads and Protectors
18 results
Protect baby's mattress with a crib mattress pad
What are crib mattress pads?
While you might use the terms crib mattress pads and crib mattress protectors interchangeably, and they both technically accomplish the same thing, there are minor differences between them.
The primary focus of a crib mattress protector is to protect the mattress from spills, leaks, and stains. This allows for easier clean-up and a more sanitary sleeping surface should there be a messy situation in the crib. They usually have a water-repellant surface and fit snugly around the mattress like a fitted sheet.
Mattress pads, on the other hand, are designed for adding comfort by bulking up a potentially otherwise uncomfortable or old crib mattress with quilted, plush, thicker, and soft material.
That said, the best mattress protectors and mattress pads combine the best of both worlds, regardless of what they might be called.
When and how should you use a mattress pad or protector?
A mattress pad or protector should always be positioned directly on top of the mattress and firmly underneath a tight and secure fitted sheet (though some parents might want the baby to sleep directly on the pad.) Either way, this to prevent a choking or suffocation hazard, especially with thicker mattress pads.
If baby has an accident or leak, whether it's from the diaper, spit up, or other fluids, make sure to change not only the sheets but the mattress pad or mattress protector as well to ensure that baby always has a fresh and clean surface on which to sleep.
It's a good idea to have at least two, potentially even three (depending on how often you do laundry) mattress protectors or pads on hand so you can swap among them in between laundry loads.
What should you look for in a mattress pad or protector?
An ideal mattress pad/protector would include both a nice, thick and comfortable top surface made from quilted or cotton material but also offer good absorbency so that even a large amount of liquid won't leak through to the mattress. Some mattress pads and protectors are made of temperature-regulating fabric that can help keep baby cool at night, a worthwhile feature if your house tends to get hot.
They should be hypoallergenic and have deep pockets to stretch and wrap snugly around the mattress without risk of bunching up, shifting around, or coming off in the middle of the night. Even if the surface is thick and quilted, the pad should always be totally flat.
Naturally, the mattress pad or protector should be safe to machine wash and toss in the dryer so you can clean it up and have it back on the crib mattress in time for the next nap.
As noted, it's a good idea to invest in at least two mattress pads or protectors so you can swap between then to keep the crib mattress consistently protected, ensuring a clean, fresh, and sanitary sleep surface for baby, and prolonging the life of the mattress.