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FAQ About Fishing Equipment

You've probably seen people driving around with bumper stickers that say things like "I'd rather be fishing," or "Work is for people who don't know how to fish." If you've decided to cast a line into the world of fishing, you'll need the right tools. We're here to help with answers to your most common questions about choosing the perfect fishing gear.

What fishing equipment do I need?

Start with a good fishing rod and reel, which you can purchase together as a set or separately. The two main types of reels are baitcasting (a classic design that's extremely durable) and spinning (a newer type of design that's easier to use for most newcomers to the sport). The fishing line is also key -- fishing lines feature ratings based on the amount of weight they can handle before snapping.

Next you'll need something that'll tempt the fish you're trying to catch. There are many types of bait (like worms or dough balls), as well as flies and lures (artificial items that look like bugs).

An essential tool that can be easily missed by novices is a pair of needlenose pliers. Whether you're tying knots to attach your hook or getting a fish off the hook you'll be thankful you've got one of these tools handy.

Fishing is usually an all-day activity so you'll want to make sure you're properly attired for the elements. Waterproof overalls, outdoor clothing, sunscreen, and a wide-brimmed hat will help you stay comfy while you wait for your next bite.

What fishing supplies are nice to have but not essential?

If you're really serious about gearing up for a day out on the lake you'll want to invest in a good tackle box to hold the hooks, bobbers, sinkers, flies, lures, and other tools. Drinking water and snacks will allow you to stay out on the water longer, and insect repellent can help keep those nasty mosquitos and biting flies away.

You might start fishing off a dock or while standing in river, or you can head out onto the lake with the help of an inflatable boat.