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Ultrawide Monitors

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Get the full picture for epic gaming and increased productivity with Ultrawide Monitors

With the scope of what we can accomplish on our home computers increasing, the need for more real estate on our screens is ever on the rise. While multiple-monitor setups are one solution, they have a number of drawbacks, such as ugly bezels dividing the display area and difficult setup configurations. Hence the recent surge in popularity of Ultrawide Monitors—the perfect solution for your PC gaming and multitasking needs.

What is an ultrawide monitor?

As their name suggests, an ultrawide monitor is a screen with an increased width compared to standard widescreen monitors. While most monitors on the market today feature an aspect ratio of 16:9, ultrawide monitors typically have an expanded 21:9 aspect ratio, providing a broader overall picture. The popularity of ultrawide monitors has increased significantly in recent years, due to factors such as an increase in 4K and high definition content and gaming that can take advantage of the additional display area, as well as a surge in users simply looking for more real estate to work with.

Why do I need an ultrawide monitor?

There are a number of different scenarios where an ultrawide monitor may be beneficial to your home computer setup. For example, PC gamers are among the most likely to reap the rewards of an increased aspect ratio. Ultrawide gaming monitors give users a broad view of the field of play, uninhibited by the clumsy and unappealing breaks caused by the bezel in dual-monitor setups. This increase in scope means that players actually have an advantage, gaining more peripheral sight vs. opponents using widescreen displays.

Ultrawide monitors can increase home and office productivity as well. Depending on the size of the ultrawide monitor, they typically display a native resolution of either 2560x1080 or 3440x1440, creating space for more open programs and applications to be viewable at the same time. While some may still prefer a multiple widescreen monitor setup (which can be easier for “separating” applications across multiple screens), ultrawide monitors ultimately provide the largest unimpeded workspace.

Ultrawide monitors are also great for viewing movies, especially those shot in ultra-high definition formats. Have you ever notice the horizontal black bars that frame most high definition movies when viewing on a standard 16:9 aspect ratio television? The wider 21:9 ratio of an ultrawide monitor can dispense with these, filling more of your screen with your favourite films and programs.

Curved vs. flat ultrawide monitors

You may notice that ultrawide monitors tend to come in two distinct variations: curved screen and flat screen. When choosing between these two variations, it ultimately boils down to your preference as to which style will better suit your needs. Curved monitors create a wrap-around effect that increases immersion and delivers a more cinematic experience, however it comes at the cost of a reduced viewing angle.

Since PC monitors are typically only viewed by one user at a time, this generally isn’t a real issue when considering which ultrawide monitor to purchase. However, if two or more people are likely to be viewing the screen simultaneously, you may wish to stick with a flat screen design in order to ensure everyone has an optimal viewing angle.